I don’t Understand

I don’t understand you. You say you love me then go and make me feel horrid. I don’t understand why you want me around so bad, what is it? Money? Am I just an item to you? A thing you can throw away in the end? I don’t understand how you can lie so much and say you care, when you know and I know that all I am is a way for you to move on and use me.

You’re Scary.

” You’re scary ” she muttered at me. I just smirked and lifted my blade. ” You’re imaginary, and that’s scarier ” I said softly and giggled down at the body and blood splattered on the floor and walls. ” But you see I have a saying ” the girl and I said in unison.

” I’m here to destroy you, inside and out. ” we said in unison again.

” I have another one. ” I said and looked at the bloody knife.

I’m Painting The Roses Red, I’m Painting The Roses Red, Otherwise It’s Off With My Head “


I flipped the pages through my book, happily skimming the pages. After the fourteenth chapter I had realized this book was never complete.

And that left me on the edge of my seat.

I need to write a story, I must complete this book. For the author died young and I am to never perish.

I need to write a story. But about what you may wonder? The story is about a beautiful, beautiful world. Full of mystical creatures so unique and brilliant. But there’s a twist. Most humans won’t understand this world, for they can travel there and have amazing adventures. But it was only a dream in their case. But there are certain ‘humans’, who aren’t humans and are quite magical themselves, to them this world is known as the ‘Dream World’, where they do great things.

Now, let me tell you about the main character, Jay. She’s so mystical and magic in this world know as the ‘Dream world’ she’s a mix of two great creatures. But in the human world she goes by some basic initials ‘A.F’. Now let me tell you about her aunt, her aunt is hilarious and amazing in both worlds, she guides the young girl. Her uncle is great and powerful, and guides them both in his life time.

Now lets move on to the enemies, there aren’t a lot. Now A.F’s mother,  is not an enemy, but not trust worthy to be told about this ‘Dream world’ so A.F and her Aunt and Uncle live in secrecy about the magical place. Only talking about it amongst themselves, and each of them doing their own thing when it comes to magic.

Now in conclusion –

The story ends there. And in small fine print at the bottom it states ‘Create your own ending. Curiosity will get to you’